Tuesday, April 8, 2008

NOW to Get Started”

Plan what you want to do and work your plan!

Know this that starting your own business will not result in the standard work week that started during the 1930’s. Most entrepreneurs work an average sixty hours a week. And still report to be happier than the average employee working 5/8 of that time. How can this be? People are happier in their work when they have control over what they do. Being happy also means healthier, and there is no better time than now to start a change in your life. Put yourself in control of your work and destiny.

Write a business plan. Your business plan becomes your road map to how your business will take shape. Make a business plan where you want your business to be in 1-5-10 years and how you plan on getting there. Questions you want to ask and answer in detailed form are the following… What type of vending? (Snacks, Soda, Bulk, Arcade Games, Sundries, Ice Cream, Coffee, Factory Inventory Control of Disposable Items)? What type of equipment will the business need? (Machines, Pallet Jack, Truck, Moving Equipment)? Will your business need a commercial address for receiving deliveries. Some suppliers will not deliver to residential address. How will you advertise the business? (Yellow Pages, Post Cards, Direct Marketing)? Will you have employees or family members only? What structure will the business be organized under? (Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership, LLC, Limited Partnership, S Corporation, Corporation)? These are not meant to be all the questions you will need to answer in your planning. There may be other questions that you will come up with as you put together your plans. The development of a business plan serves the following purposes: Allows the business person to think through all aspects of the business venture; Lays the groundwork for an operational plan to track your progress; Provides the basis for potential lenders and investors to review the business plan for financing the new venture. Do an on line search for business plans, check with your local library and your local book stores for more information on how to write a business plan. Also consider the book store at Ken's World Market.

When you are looking for that business book about... What structure will the business be organizes under? Consider the bookstore at Ken's World Market. CLICK on the link below...

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