Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Recently I had to ask myself two pointed questions?

  • I feel good, but could I feel even better and how could I measure this? 
  • What is one of the leading indicators to determine how healthy I am?
To answer these questions, I think I could feel better and I could use an indicator weight status chart like BMI.

Body mass index, (the BMI formula is), take your
 Weight (lb) and divide it by [height] 2 (m) in (inches) = # x 703 = BMI

A persons weight = 143
A persons height = 5’ 8” or 68”
The formula is 143 divided by [68]2 =.0309 X 703 = 21.74

Understanding BMI

For adults 20 years old and older, the BMI results are interpreted using standard weight status categories that are the same for all ages and for both men and women. The standard weight status categories associated with BMI ranges for adults are shown here: Remember this is a good guideline some individuals may be slightly between one status and another.

Weight Status
Below 18.5
18.5 – 24.9
25.0 – 29.9
30.0 and Above

Just for fun this BMI calculator can tell you your STATUS… 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


It's Ken Karow here, hope you're doing well.

If you have been thinking about this, you are not alone. Weight loss for me has never

been easy. I found this information about weight loss to be most helpful?

One of the best resources I’ve seen…

I hope you will look at the above website carefully

as it's one of the best resources on weight loss.

There 2 ways to approach things…

1. Short-cut way: follow a proven method used by a majority

of people because it works as stated.

2. Try many different products and still get nowhere.

I prefer option #1 as it's the smarter way of solving

problems and making life easier!

Anyway have a look at this now…

Talk with you again.


Kenneth Karow


Two Different Morals...


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

MORAL OF THE OLD STORY: Be responsible for yourself !



The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving. CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so? Kermit the Frog appears on evening news with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green...'ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, “We shall overcome” Then Rev. Jeremiah Wright has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper's sake. President Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Piers Morgan, (Larry King's CNN replacement) that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share. Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper. The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant’s food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it. The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again. The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood. The entire nation collapses taking the rest of the free world with it.

MORAL OF THE NEW STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2012. You are reading this because you are an ant! Pass this on to other ants. If a grasshopper reads this they wouldn’t understand it.

Adapted from an email sent to me August 26, 2010 Author unknown

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pizza Vending Machine


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Double click on CNN photo below...

Failed Openness Pledge

Sunday, August 22, 2010

From: Congressman John Fleming;

Subject: The Fleming Health Care

Repeal Update ...

The Public Option is Being Considered in Congress Again
“We're going to have a public option….It's just a question of when.”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, July 2010

JOHN FLEMING, M.D.Member of CongressP.S. If you’d like more information, please take a minute to visit my newly redesigned website at

or follow on Facebook at

or on Twitter at

Saturday, December 19, 2009

“Vending Types”

Vending types can be categorized under three categories: Bulk Vending, Amusement Entertainment Vending and Merchandising Vending.

When first getting into the vending business we started out in amusement entertainment vending using (Win Every Time) “Candy Crane” machines. The up side with amusement vending is the required frequency of service is more spread out than that of merchandising vending such as snacks and soda. The down side is the machines new are very expensive and competition for good locations is intense. The biggest and best locations require that new equipment is rotated every three to six months. Commissions are paid out at 25% to 50% of gross revenues collected. The basic rule of thumb is 25% when product is involved and 50% commission when there is no product involved, like in the case of Pin Ball. We did get into some Bulk Vending as well, for some of the reasons stated before such as initial cost. You can start in bulk vending for as little $100 per machine. We put out 21cm Super Ball machines set for $1.00 per vend. Cost of one Super Ball was 18 cents. However, you size up the vending market, you can expect to spend anywhere from $100 to $8000 on any one vending machine. When making your decision on what type of vending to start with take into consideration the following… the frequency of service, profit per vend, product shelf life, competition and the best locations for the equipment new or used. To answer these questions consult with and equipment dealer / distributor. Ask a lot of questions from various sources. Compare and sort through the various answers to arrive at a final conclusion.

Beware of scams and “BLUE SKY” companies. These blue sky companies have given legitimate vending a black mark. A blue sky company will promise much more than they can deliver on. You can usually spot a blue sky deal when it is advertised every week with an 800 number with routes for sale and promising large incomes from the route. They also like to do invitation only seminars at local hotels. Always check with the Better Business Bureau in the area were the company you are thinking of doing business with is located. Also contact the state Attorney Generals office to check on any complaints against the company. You can write for booklets from Better Business Bureau and brochures from Federal Trade Commission. The bottom line is, do your home work before spending any money!

“What type of machines do you want to service”?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Costs and Performance"

Here are two secrets that are not talked about vary much. Part of the reason for this may be due to the fact that most vending companies approach the subject of cost and performance differently. In some cases a decision to place equipment at a location may be pure guess work. Whenever possible you should try to make the most educated decision possible. There are two important pieces of information you will need. You will need both cost and performance estimates. Use these estimates to make an informed decision about location equipment placement. If your projected performance numbers are low, then the cost of the proposed equipment will have to be adjusted downward. The two work in relationship with each other. The money used to finance a location needs to be paid back over time. The cost of financing should come from the profits of the location.

The formula for the basic monthly equipment payment is; (equipment cost) divided by (number of months financed) = (basic payment amount) x (interest rate) = (the basic cost of the equipment). Example ($ 8000 / 36 = $222 x 10% = $244
In this example the monthly equipment cost would be $244 or ($2928 per year).

The question of economic performance must be answered. This is the estimate of what the location will do revenue wise? The formula for this is (number of people) divided by (2) x (the number of days open per year) = (Annual Revenues). Example (100 / 2 = 50 x 365 = $18,250) per year if the location is 24 /7/365.

If the location is closed weekend and only runs one shift the $18,250 should be divided by 3.2 and your projection for the location would now be $5703 dollars of annual revenue. In this example if the location only has sales potential of 40 hours a week with projected revenues of $5703 minus $2928, leaving approximately $2775 dollars for all other expenses associated with this location. This now sets up a situation where the estimated profit from the location is projected to be 35% or $1996. This could cause a flat line or negative cash flow associated with servicing this location. In order to justify setting equipment, in this situation you will have to adjust the cost of the equipment downward.

Obviously when the potential sales hours are less you may want to have a good reason for placing equipment at a location. You could service this one shift location. However, equipment cost would have to be lowered. In most cases in order to make the numbers work, you would try lowering equipment costs. The 24/7/365 locations usually are going to be the best. Cost of equipment and economic performance are the basis for setting up locations. These two formulas are basic secrets you can employ for the success of your vending business.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Commissions Expressed

Paying commissions expressed at 30% or 40%

Just about all the large vending companies use this kind of terminology when they are speaking to the location about paying out commissions on revenues collected from the machine or machines that have commissions due. A high volume, an average or a below average machine will all pay out varied commission amounts. If you would like more specific information about how to double check your commission amounts paid; PLEASE email me for a Special Report on this subject: (ken@ and ask for Special Report and the Commissions Calculator. I will return your email with attachments of the REPORT & CALCULATOR. The variable in all of this is the cost of goods. The Commissions Calculator displayed above is used to calculate commissions.

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Not just the same old, same old"

If you are thinking about getting into the vending business that is great! It is a good all cash business. Be sure to read some of the other articles on this blog that discuss topics about service, set up costs and equipment.

Research and write a business plan before you spend any money.

When starting out in the vending business DO NOT assume that to place vending equipment you have to find businesses that have no vending machines. If you do, you will most likely find locations too small to be profitable. That is the reason some locations do not have any vending machines. Experienced vendors have already passed these locations by, because they know that these locations will not be profitable.

The best way to find a good location is to go to a high traffic business that already has vending machines. Then ask them if they are happy with the vending service they have now? Listen for common complaints and make sure your service can fix the problems various locations share with you. You may have to contact 20 or more businesses to find one that will let you become their new vending service. In many cases your work in contacting all those companies could be well worth the effort. Some break rooms may do 1k to 3k a week. If your costs and sell prices are right, your profit margins should be at least 35%. You can easily calculate what kind of cash your business can produce. Establish ten good locations and you could have 300k to 500k first year gross income. Can you make a lot of money in the vending business? Yes! You can.

You might ask; is it easy to find good locations? YES; if you are willing to go out and find them. You do not have to sell. It is not that you have to convince locations to switch. It is more about finding locations that are already unhappy with the vendor that is there now. Their complaints will generally be about poor service, machine problems or lack of menu choices. Your job is to not be the same, but different. Be remarkable, not just the same old, same old. Their complaints, the machines are old, they are always empty, the company takes weeks to return a simple phone call etc. These before mentioned problems are the ones you are going to fix and maintain a much higher level of service. If you can do this, you will be successful.

Do not be scared of big vending companies. Big vending companies are the easiest to take accounts away from. This is because they have gotten too big. Their route drivers may not care about good customer service. They may not care about the appearance of the equipment or the satisfaction level of the customers using the equipment. You must not let it become just a job. If you do you will become the target of the new guy. Keep good customer service as your goal and you will be OK.

Monday, December 22, 2008

This story is a portion of an email received… A practical story that points out the importance of LEAD LEARNERS…

The person writes…

I had an interesting trip to a local pet store yesterday afternoon …

(I had been playing with the idea of getting a fish tank for the living room).

On one hand, it sounds like it would be a really cool addition because I love fishing, scuba-diving, etc… But on the other hand, I’m aware that fish tanks require a lot of work.

So I walked into this local shop. It’s a tiny place that’s probably been there for decades, and the isles are crammed from the floor to the ceiling with every kind of pet related product you can think of.

I eventually made our way to the back of the store where the fish tanks were located.

Personally, I was interested in getting a large,
100+ gallon salt-water tank that could house a few sizable Lion Fish.

Was that reasonable, or even possible?

I had no idea. I was completely lost.

To be honest, I don’t know a single thing about developing or maintaining a fish tank, and the questions that started racing through my mind were numbing.

I needed some advice from a pro, so we approached the store owner.

The following conversation was an experience I’ll appreciate for a very long time, and within minutes, this gentleman had turned me into a raving fan of his store.

Yes… Their selection is smaller than the large chains, their isles are cramped and dirty, and their prices higher, but I’ll gladly pay double the price if necessary in order to do business with them.


Because this guy has been in the fish business for 25 years…

He knew his stuff, and throughout our entire conversation, he had one goal…

To ensure everything was done correctly so that our fish would survive and thrive for years to come.

We talked about species compatibility, bacteria development, and coral. He told me why he only caries certain fish and holds them for 2 weeks before selling them, while other stores rush them out the door.

At one point, he mentioned a woman who had recently set up a salt water tank.

She was buying fish from another store and they kept dying. She wanted to try the same species again from his stock, but he wouldn’t do it.

He told her that she needed to wait another 3 months before the water in her tank would be ready to support a fish like that, but she wouldn’t listen. “I don’t want to hear anything negative”, she said. “Let’s be positive. Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll buy these fish right now.”

He walked to the door and kindly asked her to leave.

“Ma’am, if I sell you these fish, they’re just going to die. I don’t want that to happen and I don’t want you to throw your money away. I’ve been doing this for 25 years, and if you’re not willing to listen, I can’t help you.”

It was a story I related to immediately.

I liked this guy’s style. He cared more about his store’s integrity and the long-term success of his customers than making a sale, and was even willing to ask his customers to leave in order to demonstrate this fact.

This was a guy who’s willing to tell it like it is, even when it’s not what you want to hear.

And you know what…

He may have lost a sale that day, but he gained a new life-long
customer at that moment...

If needed, I’d gladly pay twice the price just for the privilege to shop at his store because I know that I’ll end up saving money in the long run with a trusted resource like him at my side.

You see, there are only two ways to “get good” at things in life, whether it’s owning your own business, or a brand new fish tank…

You can learn on your own through trial and error like the woman in the story above insists on doing, or you can learn from someone else who’s already paid that price which is what I like to do.

Author will remain Anonymous.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Failed in Business - Bankruptcy, 1831
Defeated for Legislature, 1832
Sweetheart/Fiancée Dies, 1835
Nervous Breakdown, 1836
Defeated in Election, 1836
Defeated for U.S. Congress, 1843
Defeated again for U.S. Congress 1846
Defeated once again for U.S. Congress, 1848
Defeated for U.S. Senate, 1855
Defeated for U.S Vice President, 1856
Defeated again for U.S. Senate, 1858

Elected President of the U.S.A., 1860

"You can not fail...unless you quit!"

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Your business may have equipment for sale...

Have more convenient ways for buyers to pay…

How to Accept Credit Cards on Your Website

How to Create a Search Engine Friendly Website

Pay online

Sign up

Get paid online

Sign up

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Click on the link below to see published articles, dates and topics covered...
Publish Post

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A friend sent this in an email. "In evaluating a career, put opportunity ahead of security. Don't be afraid to take a chance. Remember, even a broken clock is right at least twice a day".

Saturday, June 7, 2008

From the left coast - a CBS news report...
To watch the CBS report on new uses for vending machines...
Click on the link below...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Your own business


Some people consider vending as a nickel and dime business. Most items in a vending machine sell for 65 cents to a 1 dollar 50 cents. We have had items like playing cards at $2.50 and disposable cameras selling for $9.00. It has been reported that vending revenue in the United States surpasses 36 Billion annually. Vending touches most everybody in some form or another. We encounter vending machines in places of business, hotels, restaurants and other public setting. Americans spend more money with vended merchandise than they do on CD’s, movies or professional sports. It is estimated that every 15 minutes more than 3 million coins are inserted into vending machines located in the United States alone. That is approximately 12 million coins every hour. Because a vending machine has the potential of operating 24/7/365 nearly 8 billion beverages and 6 billion snacks and confections are sold through vending machines annually. These estimates are increasing continuously. It is estimated that by 2010 the total annual vending sales volume will exceed 39 billion dollars. Carbonated and Non carbonated beverages are the largest slice of the pie, followed by snacks, candy and chips.

Friday, April 18, 2008

“Tools and Equipment”

In order to do your vending business, you will need tools and equipment. First start with reliable transportation, your personal vehicle will work in the beginning. As your business grows you may need a cargo or step van.

Some kind of dolly or cart will be needed in order to transport product from your vehicle into the machines at the location.

Start a tool bag. I like the light weight canvas bags with the open top and a carry handle . These can be purchased at most home improvement stores. In your tool bag have some of following items… pliers, calculator, pen, pencil, receipt pad, small flash light, volt meter, small pocket note book, screw drivers, small ratchet socket set, glass cleaner, electrical tape, sheets of paper towels, (conserve space - fold a few sheets – no need for the whole roll) electrical ties, Allen wrench set, a roll of invisible tape both regular and two sided.

Know what kind of equipment is required for the location you are proposing to set and service. Do a site survey. Measure all access areas, doors, loading dock, steps, stairs and platforms. Make sure the proposed equipment will fit in the space provided. Check to make sure there are electrical outlets and they are adequate power requirements. Will you be installing new or refurbished vending machines? I suggest you use refurbished equipment when ever possible. Holding set up cost as low as possible will make your new business profitable sooner. Other questions that will need answers are as follows… Will these machines be going to a new customer and updating what they had in the past? Are the machines outfitted with the latest (eye vend) technology, such as guaranteed delivery? Do they except five dollar bills and dollar coins?

You can purchase machines from manufactures and equipment distributors. Sometimes other vending company will have equipment at their warehouse and are willing to sell it. Be sure to SHOP! SHOP! SHOP! for the best price and value. Talk to other vending companies and ask what kind of equipment they like best and why?

Start gaining an understanding of how to move and set safely the equipment you will purchase for your locations. Vending machines can weigh from 150 pounds to 1200 pounds. Learn about moving equipment from distributors and other vending companies. Be careful and be safe.

Up coming topics “Financing and Leasing of Equipment”

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Setting up and using a plan-a-gram"

We used a piece of 30"x40"- 16 gage metal, hung it on the wall. The product packages suspended with a magnetic chip from an office supply store. This represented the products in a full size snack machine.

Setting up and using a plan-a-gram can be a useful tool for making menu changes and communicating these changes to your route personnel.

Chips, Cookies, Candy, Pastry-----

Take each item in the snack, candy product line and placing it into a standard plan-a-gram. This plan-a-gram could be published in a graphic form and used as a reference. Standardize as many machines as possible. Recognize that there may be some variations of this standard because of some special consideration for a location. Narrow the product line as close as possible to your standard. Products that are not part of this standard should be special ordered. Standardizing your product line will help control cost and maximize profitability.


Tract the unit price for any special order item and make sure the selling price reflects necessary mark up? The items displayed on the Plan-a-gram could be tagged with the proper pricing. Price an item at a minimum of (3x) cost. Example (.19 cents cost) should sell for .60 to .65 cents.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

“Fewer Surprises”

Being the boss does not mean that you are free from rules and guide lines. We find there are rules of engagement in love, war, politics and life in general. Consider some of the rules that will come into play in your vending business. These rules and guide lines should apply for yourself as well as all route personnel. As time at a location lengthens, these rules and guide lines take on an even more important role.

1).Be friendly and pleasant to everyone you meet at the location. Don’t pull others down even if you think you are having a bad day. Remember you are the company representative and ambassador at that moment in time. Be positive.

2).Take note of the condition of the equipment placed at the location. Is it clean, free of dust and fingerprints? Are all the bulbs on? In general is it in good working condition?

3).With each service visit, take time to (clean as you go).

4).Listen for the satisfaction level of the customers at that location? Take note of it, if it is positive or negative?

5).Catalog any customer comments. Write them on your location recording sheet. Some attention may be needed if the same thing keeps coming up time an again?

6).Keep the product and menu selection fresh at all times. If a product is nearing its’ expiration date remove it before it goes out of date.

The bottom line is to pay attention to detail at each location. You will have fewer surprises as you adhere to these rules.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What will set your business apart from everyone else? It can be summed up in one word. SERVICE

The other day someone asked me, what I liked most and least about managing a business? After a brief pause, I summed it up to being able to deliver on what the company has promised to the customer. All of the things that help in the delivery of the service promised are good. Things, like everyone involved with the company doing their job in an outstanding manner. That’s what I liked best. Things that stopped normal activities in delivering of the promised service, I hated. Employees showing up for work late. Perhaps individuals not taking pride in our general over all appearance. Not paying attention to details that had a negative impact for our customer’s convenience. Many other things could be stated. You get the general idea of what kinds of activities make the difference in a smooth or wrought delivery of service. Unfulfilled promises on service can put you out of business. Fulfilled promises will keep your business healthy and moving forward. Service is often the distinction between just OK and an outstanding company. An outstanding company does the extras, not just to sell a product, but to establish outstanding service for the customer. It will take more than just saying the word service. Believe you have an outstanding company. Continuously strive to deliver superior service for your customer’s convenience. This combination will keep you and your business happy and healthy. Never expand your business beyond your ability to maintain superior service. It is far better to pass up an opportunity and not let your service commitments fall short. Growing to fast in an uncontrolled manner can be a disaster. Control every aspect of your vending business. Keep superior service as the foundation for all your business activities.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"How to finance your new business"

Here is where all the thought and effort of your business planning really pays off. In your business plan you should have made some projections of where you would like your business to be and how you will get it there? Raising capital for your start-up and financing ongoing operations is an important wide ranging topic. It is the topic that you should master and monitor continually. Nothing will matter more as you market and operate your new business than having your finances in order at all times! This was the area of our business that was always the biggest challenge we faced ongoing? You should be gathering, measuring and monitoring data from the business weekly. Compare the data to your model. Act sooner not later, when you spot a trend going in the wrong direction. Find out what is happening and take actions to correct the problem. Using percentages of gross sales to track various segments of the overall operations is a way to monitor business activity. Look at overall sales as being 100%. Assign each area of your budget a percentage of tolerances of that 100%. Express these to each individual route. One route can be defined as a route driver and truck responsible for 225k to 375k in sales. Labor should be 10% of the route or less. Overall base cost for vehicle expenses might be at 4%. Cost for a warehouse might be 6%. Profit should be 20% to 35%. That leaves about 55% for all other expenses. Some of these will vary deepening on how well you shop for products and hold overall cost for supplies as low as possible. You also have to fit in the payment cost of equipment for a route amortized over a 3 to 5 year period. ( payments come from profits at that location)

How does the ‘little guy”, the one who has never raised capital before, go about it? You start by educating yourself as to what is available to you. Raising money is a function of the degree of sophistication and experience of the person evolved. You can have others who understand raising capital help, or you can try raising it through your own resources. You will find that a well defined set of rules come into play. If there is any one piece of advise most appropriate for you in need of raising money, it is that you should make a careful assessment of the proposed value of the business, determine how much capital is necessary, in what amounts and over what period of time? With any approach you will need a business plan! Once you have chosen a course of action, follow it without turning or abandoning it. Deviate from it only when the first choice is unfeasible. TENACITY IS KEY. If your ideas have merit, you can usually find away to work out the details.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Let me introduce my good friend...

(Harry Walden)

Harry is a successful businessman with a Shaklee Distributorship.
If you would like to know more about the Shaklee product line and income potential. Click on his web site address below... Harry has gone green SEE his new web site...