“Fewer Surprises”
Being the boss does not mean that you are free from rules and guide lines. We find there are rules of engagement in love, war, politics and life in general. Consider some of the rules that will come into play in your vending business. These rules and guide lines should apply for yourself as well as all route personnel. As time at a location lengthens, these rules and guide lines take on an even more important role.
1).Be friendly and pleasant to everyone you meet at the location. Don’t pull others down even if you think you are having a bad day. Remember you are the company representative and ambassador at that moment in time. Be positive.
2).Take note of the condition of the equipment placed at the location. Is it clean, free of dust and fingerprints? Are all the bulbs on? In general is it in good working condition?
3).With each service visit, take time to (clean as you go).
4).Listen for the satisfaction level of the customers at that location? Take note of it, if it is positive or negative?
5).Catalog any customer comments. Write them on your location recording sheet. Some attention may be needed if the same thing keeps coming up time an again?
6).Keep the product and menu selection fresh at all times. If a product is nearing its’ expiration date remove it before it goes out of date.
The bottom line is to pay attention to detail at each location. You will have fewer surprises as you adhere to these rules.