Your own business
Some people consider vending as a nickel and dime business. Most items in a vending machine sell for 65 cents to a 1 dollar 50 cents. We have had items like playing cards at $2.50 and disposable cameras selling for $9.00. It has been reported that vending revenue in the United States surpasses 36 Billion annually. Vending touches most everybody in some form or another. We encounter vending machines in places of business, hotels, restaurants and other public setting. Americans spend more money with vended merchandise than they do on CD’s, movies or professional sports. It is estimated that every 15 minutes more than 3 million coins are inserted into vending machines located in the United States alone. That is approximately 12 million coins every hour. Because a vending machine has the potential of operating 24/7/365 nearly 8 billion beverages and 6 billion snacks and confections are sold through vending machines annually. These estimates are increasing continuously. It is estimated that by 2010 the total annual vending sales volume will exceed 39 billion dollars. Carbonated and Non carbonated beverages are the largest slice of the pie, followed by snacks, candy and chips.
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